Goa Lavah Temple, one of the nine sacred temples of Bali, is located on the southeast coast of the island, in the department of Klungkung, in the village of Pasingahan. The temple was built in the XI century, its founder is considered to be the brahmin Mpu Kuturan, one of the "fathers" of Hinduism in Bali. The temple complex is built around the entrance to the cave, which is inhabited by a huge colony of bats, Goa Lavah is translated - Cave of bats. The temple is built of black volcanic stone, its sanctuary is inlaid with gold. In front of the temple, statues of deities and altars for offerings are installed, with the onset of darkness, the monks bring and place fruit baskets at the entrance to the cave - gifts for bats, which are considered sacred animals by the inhabitants of Bali. There are many legends and legends associated with the cave and the temple. One of them says that in ancient times in the sacred cave, next to the bats, there lived a dragon guarding the entrance to the kingdom of spirits. The cave is actually the beginning of a long tunnel, according to unconfirmed reports, having a length of more than 25 km. It is said that it leads to the sacred mountain - the active volcano Agung and the Besaki temple built at its foot. The tunnel forks into many underground passages, lost in which you can never reach the surface of the earth. Local residents talk about the missing scientific expedition trying to explore the cave. Religious ceremonies and ceremonies are often held in the temple, thousands of pilgrims and tourists come to see them. At sunset, when bats fly out of the cave to enjoy fruit in neighboring gardens, the sky above the temple is covered with a huge "living cloud" consisting of thousands of bats, emitting a piercing squeak and causing air to swing with the flapping of its wings. Eyewitnesses claim that the spectacle is truly fantastic. At the entrance, for those who want to visit the temple and the cave, a sarong rental point is open - according to the rules for visiting Balinese temples, the lower part of the body of visitors should be covered up to the ankles. Near the temple there are many souvenir shops and small restaurants.