The Dead Sea (or the Sodom Sea) is a closed salt lake that extends along the border between Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority and is surrounded on all sides by the desert. Due to the high salt content, the lake received the title of the sea. This is one of the most saline lakes on Earth, along with Lake Assal in East Africa, Lake Elton in the Volgograd Region and Lake Baskunchak in the Astrakhan Region. Since water here is saltier than in the ocean, about 8.6 times, the possibility of the existence of living organisms is almost impossible. From here came the first name of the lake - Dead. However, in the Dead Sea, there are still several species of tiny bacteria and one alga - tunoliella. The second name of the Dead Sea - Sodom, is associated with an ancient legend, as one virtuous and God-fearing person named Lot was warned that the cities of Sodom and Gomor, mentioned in the Bible, which were mired in vices and sins, would be destroyed, and he and his family must leave these places. But none of his relatives should in any case turn around. Unfortunately, Lot's wife could not resist the desire to look at the city for the last time. And only she did it, at that moment she turned into a huge salt pillar, still standing not far from the modern city of Sedom. Lot and his daughters, after being destroyed by Sod, found shelter near the Dead Sea.
A unique lake arose about 5 million years ago as a result of strong tectonic processes that created the Great Afro-Asian fault. The crust in the area is in constant motion to this day. The sea is 67 kilometers long, 18 kilometers wide at its widest point, and a maximum depth of 377 meters. Each year, the water level drops by 1 meter, as the sea recedes, leaving behind a soil saturated with salt. The surface of the lake is 425 meters below sea level, making it the lowest point on the planet. Due to its unusual location, the sun's rays, overcoming the extra distance, lose all harmful ultraviolet light, so you can safely sunbathe as much as you like without harm to the body. The air here is absolutely clean from impurities, enriched with oxygen, while it contains an increased bromine content, which can restore the shaken nervous system and give the body additional strength. The mineralogical composition of the salt of the lake differs from the composition of salt in the water of other seas. It contains about 50.8% magnesium chloride, 30.4% sodium chloride, 4.4% potassium chloride and 14.4% calcium chloride. In addition to the unusual composition of salts, the reservoir is known for its healing mud extracted from the bottom of the lake. The glorified silt sulphide mud of a salt lake is highly mineralized, has a high content of iodine, hormone-like substances and bromine. All this allowed the Dead Sea to become a unique healing resort created by nature and attracting millions of tourists from all over the globe. On the Dead Sea, you can not only be treated, but also get a lot of pleasure by immersing yourself in water, the temperature of which in the summer is approximately 30 degrees. Due to the high density of water, a person does not drown in it, but experiences a feeling of weightlessness. You can sit in the water, like in a hammock. When immersed, it feels like it is not water, but oil. But diving and swimming in the Dead Sea is not only very difficult, but also dangerous. Precautions must be observed: avoid cuts from salt crystals and water in the eyes. The wounds heal for a very long time, and water can seriously burn the retina.