Castle Fortress Hochosterwitz
Austria, Sankt Georgen am Längsee

One of the most beautiful and frequently visited tourist attractions in Austria. It is no coincidence that the Disney film studio used it when filming the movie "Cinderella." The panorama of the fortress is extremely beautiful: it stands proudly on a high (175 m) limestone rock. The fortress was first mentioned in documents in the 9th century. The fortress was impregnable for centuries; even in the Middle Ages, when firearms appeared, no one was able to capture them. It was thoroughly rebuilt in the XVI century. It was in this form that it has survived to the present day. To explore the castle fortress, you can either go upstairs by elevator almost along a sheer wall, or get there on foot. In this case, you will have to go through 14 defensive towers with a passage gate. The museum exhibits weapons, knightly armor, household items, and jewelry. After visiting the museum you can relax in a small restaurant.

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