Since April 10, 1988, when the Seto-Ohashi bridge was opened, all four major islands of Japan were interconnected. The bridge is the highest achievement of modern engineering. Really impressive picture: the bridge winds from island to island over the magnificent Inland Sea. Due to the implementation of this project, which is by far the most significant technical enterprise in Japan, it has become possible to quickly get from the northern, Siberian cold Hokkaido - via Hondo - to the subtropical warm harbors of Honshu and to the Shikoku temples filled with pilgrims in the south. A new bridge is thrown across the Inland Sea of Japan (Seto) from Honshu Island to Shikoku Island, and this is one of the most beautiful island landscapes in the world. The payable bridge connects the cities of Kurashiki to Honshu and Sa Kaide to Shikoku, elegantly passing through five small islands and thus covering a distance of 12 kilometers. It would actually be more correct to call it bridges, because this incredible project includes just a few bridges built on different technical principles. At the longest southern suspension bridge in Bisan, the distance between the supports is 1100 meters, this is the fifth longest bridge in the world. The height of the larger of the two piles is 194 meters. So, both of them are significantly higher than the Cheops pyramid and make up about two-thirds of the height of the Eiffel Tower. It is said that the steel ropes that were used in the construction of the bridge were so long that they could encircle the globe three times. At high tide, the bridge is still 65 meters above the water, which allows tankers and ocean vessels to freely enter the Inland Sea of Japan. The Seto Ohashi bridge is double, that is, the railway and the freeway pass along it. The upper part of the bridge is a four-lane highway, and the lower is intended for trains, including Shinkansen.