The earliest information about the island of Envaitenet that modern scientists have been able to find dates back to 1630.
At that time, the island was inhabited by native families. Initially there were few of them, but then they formed a whole village.
The vegetation of the island allowed them to get their own food, but the islanders had to be vegetarians.
The fact is that no animals took root on the Envaitenet island, despite the abundance of plant food.
The first local residents of the island of Envaitenet said that the stones and plants in their settlement constantly disappeared, and then reappeared, but in other places.
After the full moon, they often heard a frightening roar from the bowels of the earth, which could last for hours. People assumed that these sounds were made by disgruntled spirits of the island. To appease them, the tribe periodically made sacrifices to them.
The natives claimed that the island was inhabited by ghosts: humanoid translucent creatures, after meeting which an ordinary resident of the tribe would experience temporary paralysis. After meeting the ghost of the island, the native could lie motionless for days, and even die from exhaustion.