Bio-hacking as an idea first emerged in 1988, the earliest mention seems to be in a Washington Post article from 1988 titled “Playing God In Your Basement”. Much of this was based in garage-biology, which started to take off around the mid 2000s as it popped up across San Francisco. In 2005 Rob Carlson wrote in an article in Wired: "The era of garage biology is upon us. Want to participate? Take a moment to buy yourself a lab on eBay."
Since then bio-hacking has come on leaps and bounds, attempting everything from DIY gene editing to meditation based super-humanism that has allowed one man to traverse Everest in a pair of shorts (see Wim Hoff AKA The Ice Man).
All of this is in pursuit of longevity and increasingly the biological capacity of humans. Longevity, in simple terms, is the art of living a longer and healthier life. It’s about optimizing your years, not just extending them. But rather than encourage you to inject CRISPR directly into your veins, there are a number of ways you can bio-hack your body using natural therapies to heighten your quality of life, repair your cells, and rejuvenate your mind.
Here are some of the ways that a holiday in Austria can help you bio-hack your health span.